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NIJHUIS Family History

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The Nijhuis Clan

Our family's forebearer, Joannis Niehuis, was born in Weerselo Holland in 1767. He married Hermingildis Oonk in 1793, and after she died in child birth, he remarried Geertruid de Wender in 1802. Shortly after his first marriage he moved to Borne, Overijssel. Here it was that in the past 200 odd years the family grew.
Nowadays, the Nijhuis clan has spread over Europe and even Australia.
My own branch emigrated to Australia in November 1952.
My brother & sisters still live in Melbourne's eastern suburbs.

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The Dik Clan

Our family's forebearer, Johann Hermann Diek, was born in Westernkappelen, Germany in approx.1766. He was married to Elisabeth Schneiders. Thier son, Gerhard Heinrich was born in 1799 in Altenberg Germany. He married Anna Fenslage in 1831. He was a carpenter by trade. The family (then named) Dik moved to Holland before 1900 due to the fact that he had been conscripted into the Prussian Army & refused to fight for the Kaiser.
The Dik family has also spread it's roots through the world. We have cousins in Germany, Holland , Australia, USA, & .......

I sincerely hope that my research provides a better understanding of the Nijhuis and Dik families.

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